Friday 23 December 2011

Parents Network programmes-Choices- for Ipswich and Suffolk

December 2102

If you have a parenting programme or regular parenting support group to add to this leaflet or you wish to receive a copy each month to share with parents and colleagues email:

Strengthening Families Programme 7 week programme

Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Woodbridge Youth Centre, The Avenue, IP12 4PA
Thursday 24th Jan
4pm – 6.30pm
Gill Francis (07718 100893 / 01473 263322)

Ipswich Academy, Lindbergh Rd, IP3 9PZ
Tuesday 5th Feb
10am – 12.30pm
Gill Francis (07718 100893 / 01473 263322)

Suffolk New Academy
Mallard Way
Wednesday 15th May
4.00 – 6.30 p.m
Carole Williams - Senior Parenting Practitioner, Ipswich Borough Council 01473 433438 or 07921941620

Refreshments provided Parents of young people aged 10-14
Triple P Seminars   for parents with children aged 0 -12

Universal, no booking required

Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Pipers Vale Primary School, Raeburn Road, Ipswich, IP3 0EW
3 sessions: Wednesday 28th November, Wednesday 5th December, Wednesday 12th December
8.45am – 10.15am
Melanie Hamilton or the school reception on 01473 320413

Carole Williams - Senior Parenting Practitioner, Ipswich Borough Council 01473 433438 or 07921941620

This series of three evidence-based seminars are for all interested parents, grandparents and carers from Pipers Vale Primary School and the surrounding area.
Triple P Teen Seminars for parents with children aged 11-16
Universal, no booking required

Triple P Group (Age 4-11)  Eight week programme – Booking required

Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Pipers Vale Primary School, Raeburn Rd, IP3 0EW
21st Jan, 28th Jan,
4th Feb, 11th Feb
18th No group,
25th Feb 4th Mar,
11th Mar, 18th Mar
1.00 – 3.00 p.m
07921 941 620

Melanie Hamilton or the school reception on 01473 320413

Whitton Primary School, Shakespeare Rd, IP1 6ET
24th Jan, 31st Jan, 7th Feb, 14th Feb, 21st No group, 28th Feb, 7th Mar, 14th Mar, 21st Mar
12.45pm – 2.45pm
07921 941 620

Britannia Primary School

07921 941 620

River of Life Church
2, Carr Road
13th May, 20th May, 27th May half term (no group)3rd Jun, 10th Jun, 17th Jun, 24th Jun, 1st Jul, 8th Jul

7.00 – 9.00 pm
07921 941 620

Evening Group
Triple P Group Teen (Age 11-16)

Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Suffolk New Academy
Mallard Way
Tuesday 23rd Apr, 30th Apr, 7th May, 21st May, 28th May half term, 4th Jun, 11th Jun 18th, 25th

9.00 0 11.00 a.m
Carole Williams - Senior Parenting Practitioner, Ipswich Borough Council 01473 433438 or 07921941620

Raising Responsible Teenagers seminar followed by Teen Triple P Group
St Albans High School, Digby Rd, IP4 3NJ
Seminar: 14th Jan, 9.30am – 11am

Group: 28th Jan, 9.30am – 11.30am

To be confirmed
Triple P talks for staff (0 – 11)

Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional Details

Triple P Teen talks for staff (12 – 16)

Webster Stratton (BABY & TODDLER)  (The Incredible Years)
Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details

Webster Stratton (Age 2-6) (The Incredible Years)
Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Highfield Children’s Centre, Chesterfield Drive, IP1 6DW

Crèche provided
Wellington CC, Chevallier St, IP1 2PB
Rolling Programme

Clara French, 01473 283788

The Oaks CC, Grange Rd, Felixstowe, IP11 2LA
Tuesday 15th January
1pm- 3pm

Sutton Heath, IP12 3TD
January 2013 TBC

Caring Dads
Wellington CC
TBC. 19 week programme.
For more information contact the Children’s centre
01473 283788
Referrals only.
Tel: 01473 283788.  Alan Garwood, Tabitha James, Eloise Brame.
Brett River CC, Old Corn Exchange,
Hadleigh, IP7 5DN
Thursdays TBC
7pm – 9pm
Gill Black,  Ailsa Wyatt, Tel: 01206 299467
Referrals only.
Parents Are People  (8 week programme) Confidence Course for Parents
Suffolk New Academy
Mallard Way, IP2 9LR
14th January
9.15am – 11.30am
Marie Weatherall – Suffolk Coaching Hub  Mobile - 0750 4119665

07921 941 620

Excluding half term
A programme of workshops for mothers who may be feeling a low in confidence. Uses coaching and solution focused techniques to help them boost their self-esteem to be more effective in their parenting role and in life.
Lighthouse Women’s Centre
37 Berners St, IP1 3LN
15th January
9.15am – 11.30am
Marie Weatherall – Suffolk Coaching Hub  Mobile - 0750 4119665

07921 941 620

 Who’s In Charge (Eight week programme with a two month follow up)

Grafton House

Russell Road IP1 2DE

9th January – 6th March

(with two month follow up)
10-12.30 p.m
Referrals to
01473 433438
07921 941 620

Free bus runs from town centre to the Grafton House every 20 minutes
For parents (of children aged 10-18) who are experiencing abuse by their children.
See below for more information.
 Freedom Programme

Lighthouse Women’s Aid

Various Venues and dates
Continuous Rolling Programme
01473 220776/9

Cherry Blossom Children’s Centre

Hadleigh Road
East Bergholt
Wednesdays TBC
1pm – 2.30pm

Tree House Children’s Centre

Paula Rogers Ormiston Children's Centre 01473 724549
Rolling programme in term time.
The Willows CC,
Magdalene Close, IP2 9UX
Rolling programme
Contact for dates and times
Michelle Pearce & Tracey Stribling
01473 260882

Quayside CC, UCS, IP4 1QJ

Rolling Programme
Contact for dates and times
Julie Robinson & Lisa Church
07595 087782
078872 420537

Lighthouse Women’s Aid


New Women’s Centre open now, 37 Berners St, IP1 3LN
Offering a range of new and exciting programmes for women including Tai Chi/DIY/self esteem
Stronger Families Programme

Lighthouse Women’s Aid

Rolling Programme
4-6pm for 12 weeks
Contact Katy Cadwallader at Lighthouse Women’s Aid on 01473 220776 or
Group programme for mothers and children 4 – 16 who have experienced domestic abuse.
Sessions on responsibility, positive problem solving, conflict resolution, feelings awareness and safety planning. Stronger Families is for families in which the perpetrator has already left the home, or in which the mother is no longer in a relationship with the perpetrator.
The Solihull Approach

Meredith Children’s Centre

January TBC
For 10 weeks
For more information or to make a referral call Natasha or Emily: 01473 242181

The course is aimed at parents with children under 3 years old, will also take referrals for pregnant mothers.

The course is about tuning into children and exploring feelings, parenting styles and communication, self regulation and anger management, increasing confidence in parents and children, giving parents strategies for repair when things go wrong and promoting reflective, sensitive and effective parenting.


January 2013 TBC

0845 603 7197

SCC Community Learning and Skills Development –
Courses for Parents 2013

For Community Learning Courses contact:
Murrayside reception  01473 712645                Alternative Contact: Lyndsey Hessey, 01473 325284

Course Title
Day and Times
To book a place contact:
Pemberton House, Curriers Lane

Living with Children
Tuesdays 6.15pm – 8.15pm
15th January
0845 603 7197
Murrayside Leap Centre  IP3 9JL

Living with Teenagers
Wednesdays 1pm – 3pm
16th January
0845 603 7197
Murrayside Leap Centre
Developing Personal Confidence & Self Awareness for Parents/Carers
Wednesdays 10am – 12pm
16th January
0845 603 7197
Community Hub, Maidstone Rd, IP11 9EF
Living with Children
Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
15th January
0845 603 7197

Community Courses & Support

Name of Programme
Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Ipswich Parenting Hub Chantry
Suffolk New Academy, Mallard Way, Ipswich, IP2 9LR (Chantry High School)
1st Friday of each month.
Next dates:
4th February 2013

9.30am –11.30am

If you would like to find out more,
07921 941 620
or ACT 01473 213140
IPH is an informal positive parenting group run by parents, for parents, in your local area. We meet informally once a month for coffee, a chat and
signposting and a chance to hear from other local parents and speakers.
Parenting professionals and others will be available to talk informally about any ideas, questions or concerns you may have about parenting. We also have a range of helpful information.
Ipswich Parenting Hub - East
Ormiston Children’s Centre, Felixstowe Road, IP3 9BU
3rd Friday of each month.
Next dates:
December 21st
9.30am – 11.30am

IIpswich Parenting Hub -  Whitton

Ormiston Endeavour Academy, Defoe Rd, Ipswich, IP1 6SG
2nd Friday of each month. Next dates: December 14th
9.30am – 11.30am
December Topic:

PC Kevin Stephenson
Keeping your Kids Safe on the Street

Parents Under Pressure
Parents’ homes

Determined on individual family basis
Please see below for programme details. Tel: 01473 234850. Email:
Parents Under Pressure™  is a 20-week programme for parents who have a child under two and are on an opioid treatment programme or an alcohol abstinence/relapse prevention programme
Double Trouble
The Willows CC
1.30pm – 3pm
01473 602150
Runs alongside 0 – Walk, which gives you the chance to weigh your babies too.
Drop in group for parents and children of multiple births.

Polish Drop In

Polskie spotkania dla dzieci w wieku od 0-5 lat
Ormiston Children’s Centre
Felixstowe Road
4th Friday each month

10am – 11.30am.
01473 724549

Free group for polish families with children under the age of 5 years

Baby & me
(Pre birth)
Quayside Children’s Centre

5.30pm – 7pm.
01473 253398

Infant Massage
Quayside Children’s Centre

Five week course
Mondays 10.30-11.30
Wednesdays 10.30 –12
Phone to book a place 323870
Contact Quayside Children’s centre
01473 253398

Groups and Programmes for Dads

Name of Programme
Start Date
To book a place/more information
Additional details
Highfield Children’s Centre
1st Saturday of the month
10 - 12p.m
Contact Jannice Simpson

For dads, granddads, male carers to come and enjoy time with their children (0 to 5 Years)
Safe and fun environment with activities, large outdoor play area and free bacon butties and coffee!
Daddy & me
Wooden House Children’s Centre
1st and 3rd Saturday of each month
9.30 – 11am
Drop in for all male parents/carers welcome.
01473 323870

Dads Group
Childrens’ Centre
Every other Sunday

Community Programmes and Support Groups for Autism


Brett River Children’s Centre
First Tuesday of month. Term time only.
11.30am – 1.30pm

We operate informally and are run by workers experienced in Autism.

Felixstowe Parent to Parent Autism Support

Orwell High School, Maidstone Rd, Felixstowe
Every other Wednesday afternoon
1pm – 3pm
01473 632700
01394 286399
Saturday club from 10.30am.

Ipswich Spectrum

Wellington Children’s Centre
Last Wednesday of month. Term time only.
1.30pm – 3pm
01473 284060

NON Funded Programmes

Parenting Information & Advice
Parent Partnership
Suffolk County Council
Term Time
9am – 5pm
01473 265210
01473 264702
For parents/carers with concerns about all aspects of education for their children

Parentline Plus
National helpline for parents

24 hour free helpline
0808 800 2222
All age children

Netmums - the local parenting network

Online course: Making Mums Happy

A step by step online course written and designed for Netmums, based on scientific principles. Over 10,000 Mums have taken this programme and have been shown in evaluation to be 14% happier as a result.
Telephone advice service

Telephone 0808 800 5000

Asian & Welsh helplines also available on this number
Mobile Phone Texting Service
Text service to seek advice or report concerns
NEW PILOT SERVICE till end of 2011

TEXT 88858  (No cost to text)

Telephone 0808


Online: Has a range of activities, websites and software that Dads will enjoy

Care For The Family

Care for the Family is a national charity, which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. They also offer budget breaks for single parents.

For programmes in your area contact:    
Ipswich Senior Parenting Practitioner - Ipswich Borough Council 07921 941 620
Suffolk County Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07515 188522
Ipswich & Coastal  Area Parenting Co-ordinater -     Suffolk County Council 07540 671191                     
South & West Suffolk  Area Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07540 671192
North, Waveney and Central Suffolk  County Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07515 188522

See below for programme descriptions:

Strengthening Families Programme
Oxford Brookes University

An evidence based programme for parents and young people aged between 10 and 14 years.  This is a DVD and activity based programme, which supports families to have a positive outlook as young people approach their teenage years.

Parents aim to improve their nurturing and support skills while considering effective discipline and guidance strategies.  Young people build skills for resisting peer pressure and dealing with stress.  During the sessions the families work together to reflect on the strengths of their family.

This programme has been proved to be effective in preventing alcohol and substance misuse amongst young people.
For further details see  or contact:

Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme)

This set of interventions was developed at the University of Queensland, Australia, by Professor Matt Sanders, a clinical psychologist, and is now run worldwide.  There are a variety of different group and individual programmes varying according to need, from universal (information and advice), through to support with common issues in children and young people, to group programmes and 1:1 work (both face to face and by phone). 

·         Group Triple P runs for 8 weeks (including 3 weeks where 1:1 phone support is substituted for group meetings).
·         Group Triple P Teen runs for 8 weeks (including 3 weeks where 1:1 phone support is substituted for group meetings).
·         Primary Care Triple P is a 1:1 intervention tailored to the particular issues the parent wants to work on, and supported by professionally designed tip sheets for parents to keep. Sessions can be phone-based as well as face-to-face.
·         Seminar Triple P is a series of 3 presentations on raising confident, resilient children, which covers issues of interest to a universal audience.   These can be delivered to a large group (up to 50), for example in school or the workplace. 
·         Seminar Triple P Teen is a series of 3 presentations on raising connected, competent and resilient teenagers, which covers issues of interest to a universal audience.   These can be delivered to a large group (up to 50), for example in school or the workplace. 

For further details see or contact:

The Incredible Years/Webster Stratton

Created by Caroline Webster Stratton, an American clinical psychologist used and researched for 20 years, this is an early intervention programme for parents of children under 10.  The programme encourages parents to build strong relationships with their children through play and rewarding positive behaviour. It strengthens communication and enables parents/carers to understand the developmental stages of the child. 

After completing the course parents will have a range of tools from which to choose including; effective limit setting, time-out, handling consequences and problem–solving.
This programme is appropriate for all families including those with young people with a diagnosis of ADHD or ODD.
For further details see, or contact
Judith Moore, Parenting Coordinator,, tel. 07515 188522

Living with Children/Living with Teenagers

The courses are offered as part of the Suffolk Community Learning Adult Education Programme and are accredited with the Open College Network.  The course is open to any parent or guardian of a child or teenager who would like to develop their skills and knowledge.  Parents can enrol themselves or agencies can make referrals on their behalf.  The course offers parents a chance to develop their skills and learn some new ideas. The course covers understanding children’s needs and parent’s needs, recognising different styles of parenting, developing skills in a positive communication style, listening skills and ways to support children’s self esteem, positive strategies for managing behaviour and setting limits.   Participants will also be able to receive information about other learning opportunities they may wish to go on to.

For further details contact Gill
Caring Dads

Developed in Canada, is an intervention programme for fathers (including biological, step, common-law) who have physically abused, emotionally abused or neglected their children, or exposed their children to domestic violence or who are deemed to be at high-risk for these behaviours. It consists of a 17-week, empirically-based, manualised group parenting intervention for fathers, systematic outreach to mothers to ensure safety and freedom from coercion, and ongoing, collaborative case management of fathers with referrers and with other professionals involved with men’s families. The group component of Caring Dads combines elements of parenting, fathering, battering and child protection practice to enhance the safety and well-being of children. Programme principles emphasize the need to enhance men’s motivation, promote child-centred fathering, address men’s ability to engage in respectful, non-abusive co-parenting with children’s mothers, recognize that children’s experience of trauma will impact the rate of possible change, and work collaboratively with other service providers to ensure that children benefit (and are not unintentionally harmed) as a result of father’s participation in intervention. Run by team of male and female facilitators. See

 Who’s In Charge

Does your child threaten, hurt or intimidate you? Do you feel you are losing control? Want to better handle conflict?
The Who’s in Charge? Group is an 8 week programme for parents or carers of young people (8-18) who are beyond control or defiant.  The group aims to:
Provide a supportive environment to share experiences and ideas
Reduce the guilt and shame most parents feel
Offer ideas to help to develop individual strategies for managing your child’s behaviour
Explore ways of increasing safety and well being
Help parents feel more in control and less stressed.

Suffolk Family Learning

Suffolk Family Learning is part of Community Learning and Skills Development and offers a comprehensive range of programmes for parents, carers and families. We work across the county in partnership with schools, nurseries and other voluntary and statutory organisations.

Being a parent/carer and supporting children's development and learning is one of the most enjoyable and challenging jobs there is. All these programmes give the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other parents and carers in a friendly atmosphere.

The aims of Family Learning are to:
enhance the skills of the children involved in intensive programmes
enhance the home school partnership
encourage home activities
increase the understanding of the children's curriculum
increase the literacy, language and numeracy skills of the adults
Contact: 01379 672711

Living with Babies Course

Part of Community Learning and Skills Development Family Learning Courses
Parents attend with their babies
Courses are 5 sessions of 2 hours and give parents a chance to share activities with their baby, have a go at making games and activities to do at home.  The course includes an introduction to how babies develop and learn.


Autism Suffolk is an advice/support/information service for families of children who have a diagnosis of ASD.
Please contact Autism Suffolk for details  of times and dates   01473 632700.
Karen Smith
Family Support Worker
Autism Suffolk
Tel 01473 632700

Parents Under Pressure™ is a new 20-week programme for parents who have a child under two and are on an opioid treatment programme or an alcohol abstinence/relapse prevention programme. Parents Under Pressure™ aims to help families with the difficult job of parenting, providing them with the safe and caring support they need. Throughout the programme, NSPCC workers will visit parents in their own home to provide support and guidance on parenting and on maintaining their own emotional wellbeing. For further information, please contact Ipswich Service Centre, NSPCC, Hyde Park House, 1 Crown Street, Ipswich, IP1 3LG. Tel: 01473 234850. Email:

Local Children’s Centres

For programmes in your area contact:    
Ipswich Senior Parenting Practitioner - Ipswich Borough Council 07921 941 620
Suffolk County Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07515 188522               
Ipswich & Coastal  Area Parenting Co-ordinater -     Suffolk County Council 07540 671191                    
South & West Suffolk  Area Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07540 671192
North, Waveney and Central Suffolk  County Parenting Co-ordinater - Suffolk County Council 07515 188522