Sunday, 23 April 2017

Suffolk County council needs more Ipswich Tories

Being an Ipswich borough councillor is important to me. My main aim as a local politician is to help my side of the town - the SW Ipswich because it is under-appreciated by many and under-represented by my party.

There is only one Tory borough councillor representing that side of the town - and that's me!
There is also only one Tory councillor representing the whole of Ipswich on the county too and that is the excellent Paul West.

! believe the labour councillors representing ipswich on the Suffolk County are not unhappy when things go wrong in the town because it gives them gleeful license to point the finger and blame the county. They are political beasts and that is why they hood-wink the residents in their literature. I can't even count the number of fibs I have seen in their red rag and I will not play that game.

They prefer to to try and take over the administration of the County than to actually make things better in the town (although there are a couple of exceptions to this, most are just mischief makers).

If they were to take over the County it would be bankrupt in a matter of weeks by their own admission of policy and plans. They cannot be trusted.

I am standing in Chantry along with Bob Hall - residents have 2 votes because it's such a large area with 3 wards - Stoke Park, Gipping and Sprites - and our aim is to change all that and fight for our town.

We are local candidates, living in those wards - I believe that is essential.

If you follow me on twitter @stokeparkcllr you will see I am honest, not afraid to answer any questions and I am passionate about my town.

I've been a borough councillor for 11 years, up for re-election next year, and I have been leader of the Ipswich conservatives for approx 3 years.

I now wish to be involved in County matters and take my experience into education, communities and health and well being of Ipswich residents.

I will not be posting anymore on this page until after the elections so please follow me on twitter
for everyday comment and for questions.

Promoted by Alex Burgess on behalf of Nadia Cenci both of 9 Fore Street Ipswich IP$ 1JW

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